LWMTA General Meeting
February 27th, 2024, 10:30AM
Location: Northwest Pianos and Online via Zoom
Call to Order (10:35am)
Attending: 12 in-person, 1 online
Call to Order
Old Business
Financial Reports – Laurie Ketron
Account balance given in meeting. Gained income from the Young Composers Event. Not all the costs are in for MAP so we’ll hear about that next month.
Announcements/New Business
Scholarship Competition (Nicole Kim)
Saturday April 6th, 2024, Cross of Christ Lutheran Church at 9am. If there are too many people, we may start earlier than 9. The judge will be Tanya Stambuk. This is our second Scholarship Competition. Participants must do MAP first, and there are four “levels” based on age, etc. with different time limits. Ask Nicole Kim for questions about repertoire. This competition is about encouraging students.
Volunteers: We need people to bring snacks, man the doors, etc.
Question from Cherry Li: What level should I put my 7-year old student in? We discuss cutting all repeats to get performance time down to 4-5min, and they can go in group A.
Young Composers Recital (Kaitlin Mitchell)
The Young Composers event took place Sunday January 28th, and had 5 student participants (one via video).
Book Sales (Joyce Meech)
During the March General Meeting, Joyce will be bringing music to sell again, and money from those sales will go to the Lake Washington MTA chapter. She has lots of music that is appealing to young people, about animals, the sea, etc. and some are even autographed. She has etudes, music for either hand alone, music by country (China, Russia, etc.), primer to advanced, sonatas, preludes, duets (teacher and student or students together), jazz, broadway, theory books, popular music from the 40s and 50s, music dictionaries, seasonal things.
Music Artistry Program (Selina Chu)
We had a great MAP program last week with Margee Webster, and 10 teachers and about 60 students. A blue and red jacket was left on Wednesday. Thanks to Stephanie Lee and Bonnie Debu for donating their studios.
MAP Recognition Recital (Selina Chu)
On Saturday March 9th students who participated in MAP and want to play their favorite piece again can perform at the Recognition Recital. It will be at Northwest Pianos at 6pm – remember that parking can be tricky here and come early. There are about 10 students in the program so far.
Musical Gift Recitals (Cherry Li)
We had a recital at a new venue last week, including one student on harp. Special thanks to Iris and Luke who were there to help. We don’t have an upcoming recital yet, as we’re waiting to hear from venues.
Violin player interested in Duet Partner (Stephanie Lee)
Selina got an email from someone interested in a duet partner – if anyone has a senior student who is interested in duets you can let Selina or Stephanie know.
Teacher’s Recital (Pei-Hsin Kao)
Date change from March 10th to March 17th – same time, 5pm-7pm at Northwest Pianos. Pei-Hsin will send out an email to make sure everyone can still play. Currently we have about 20min of music in our program and it would be great to get more. Please email Pei-Hsin by Tuesday March 5th if you’re interested in participating.
Music Literacy Program (Mary Kaye Owen, Gloria Tzuang, Stephanie Lee)
Registration will be open April 1st (not March 15th as printed in the yearbook). The event is Saturday May 5th at the Eastside Baha’i Center classrooms.
There is a piano curriculum guide on the WSMTA website. We have a new technique segment this year (playing chords, intervals, etc. also available on the WSMTA website). There will be a google form after students are registered to choose their top 3 hour blocks for the rhythm, listening, and technique sections which are not drop-in. Laurie adds that this even makes money for the chapter. It’s a great confidence builder for students.
Open discussion: Studio Policies and Practices
Meeting Adjourned (12:05pm)
Respectfully Submitted,
Kaitlin Mitchell
LWMTA Secretar