The LWMTA Scholarship Competition provides an opportunity for advancing students to perform at the highest level, competing for an opportunity to represent LWMTA at the WSMTA State Conference.

Competition Information

  • Date: Saturday, April 12, 2025
  • Location: Cross of Christ Lutheran Church
  • Judge: Oksana Ejokina
  • Requirements: copy of MAP assessment sheet, registration form, and fee. Please mail your fees to the chair in one check.
  • General Information
  • Registration Form: Complete Here (Registration Deadline: March 10, 2025)
  • Chair: Nicole Kim (

Competition Categories

Category Age Time Limit Level Fee
Elementary Up to 10 Up to 7 min All levels $60
Junior 11 to 14
A Up to 4 min Up to Sonatina (including Sonatina) $50


Up to 10 min Sonata and beyond $65


15 to 18


Up to 5 min Sonatina $55
D Up to 12 min Sonata $70

1st place winners receive a monetary scholarship award

Competition Rules

  1. Participation in LWMTA MAP for 2025 is a requirement.
  2. Choose standard repertoire from a minimum of two musically different styles, played from memory.
  3. Music should be from standard, published repertoire. Sheet music should be presented to the judge on the day of the competition with measure numbers marked.
  4. There are three categories of music: 
    1. Baroque, up to 1750
    2. Classical sonatina/sonata (including Schubert Sonatas), 
    3. Romantic/Impressionism/Contemporary
  5. After registration, repertoire will be reviewed by the committee for the correct category.
  6. Please ask the chair before registration for any questions about repertoire.
  7. For the students’ age, use the age they will be at the date of competition. 
  8. Students will be rewarded as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Honorable mention as Judge decides.
  9. Judge’s decision is final.
  10. A tie is allowed by the judge.
  11. If pieces go beyond the time limit, the performance will be stopped according to the rules of the WSMTA.
  12. Winners will receive the certificate and Medal. Winner’s list will be presented on the chapter website.
  13. Participating teachers’ presence on the competition day and help are required.
  14. If your student wishes to be considered for the LWTA Chapter Representative, the consent form should be signed and submitted at registration (available here).  
  15. Should any of this information change, you will be informed by the event chair.  

Chair: Nicole Kim, NCTM