September 2024 General Meeting Minutes

LWMTA General Meeting
Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 10:30AM
Location: Northwest Pianos and Online via Zoom
Call to Order (10:35 AM)
Attending: 12 in-person, 2 on zoom
Old Business
Financial Reports – Laurie Ketron (Stephanie Lee)
Reported in the meeting by Stephanie (Laurie is not here). The website has been renewed for another year.
Announcements/New Business
Northwest Pianos Announcements – Cheri Klavano
Northwest Pianos is the new Kawaii dealer! They’ll be doing a promotion next month. They’re doing a giveaway! They’ll send us an email.
Book Donation Sale – Joyce Meech
Joyce has brought lots of music for MTNA members to purchase (12 boxes today). All the money that comes in today will be donated to the Lake Washington MTA Chapter. If someone doesn’t find something here today, they can email her and make an appointment to come to her house. Proceeds from sales of music at her home will go partially to a non-profit fighting human trafficking.
Today she has: Composers of all four periods, solos and duets, primer to advanced, a few technique books (more at her studio), some jazz/broadway, one box of music dictionaries, one box of Christmas (all levels). Each price for a book of sheet has a sticker on it, and it’s half of what the original price was (prices range from 50 cents, to $7-8). She hopes to bring music to the October meeting as well. She’d really like to know what members would like her to bring –email her with requests.
Question: If someone forgot their checkbook or cash, how can they pay? We’ll discuss later.
Yearbook – Kaitlin Mitchell
Yearbooks are available in-person, and Stephanie will be sending out a digital version as soon as Kaitlin gets it to her! The yearbook brought in $482.50, and cost $95.31 to print.

Website Announcements – Selina Chu
Selina needs help with WordPress if anyone knows about that. Samantha Yeung, who was previously the website admin, has finally had to give up the Lake Washington Chapter due to time commitments. Selina can make changes (anyone who has events, forms, etc.) send it to her. Kaitlin will also send her a digital copy of the yearbook to add to the website under “Forms and Documents” the password is “4/4.” If you miss something at the meeting, you can go to the Website and get a summary of each general meeting there. Kaitlin uses WordPress for her website, and will meet with Selina to see if she can help.
MGR – Cherry Li, Gloria Tzuang
Two upcoming Recitals:
Sunday September 29th. Fairwood Community Home in Issaquah – we need a few more students to sign-up.
Sunday October 13th: University House in Issaquah. We’re looking for a teacher to host (doing the program announcements on the day). That program is also still open to students.
Question: Do teachers have to be there? Teachers can help in other ways (programs, certificates, etc.).
Virtual MGRs – Selina Chu
Selina will take videos anytime (the only format she can’t accept videos is a YouTube link). Include the name of the Student (if parents are ok with it), the name of the piece, etc. The Deadline for the WInter Video is December 8th, 2024. Unlimited participation, try to have your students dress up for their videos a little bit.
Musical Passport Festival – Makiko Meyer
Saturday November 2nd, 2024. Registration is posted on our website (a google form), and the registration deadline is Saturday October 19th. The Online Submission deadline for videos is Saturday October 26th. For teachers enrolling more than one student, put your availability on one of your google forms (not every one). If a student has a preference on performance time, let Makiko know when you register, not later!
Makiko is also looking for one high school student volunteer. The student volunteer needs to bring their own laptop (to share a google spreadsheet with Makiko, fill it out, etc.) Question: Can Middle School students volunteer? Maybe, but we need to prioritize high school students since the schools have a community service requirement.

Teachers Recital, cont. (Kaitlin Mitchel)
One of my big takeaways from the Washington State MTA Conference in June was that teachers need to get uncomfortable and work towards understanding how to interpret new works. If we do this together, we can encourage our students in these pieces, then encourage other teachers and judges in these pieces!
Invite your students, families, anyone you want! Jan would love to play flute if someone would play piano with her.
Scholarship Competition – Nicole Kim
See page 32 of your yearbooks. The Scholarship Competition is Saturday April 12th, 2025. Our judge is Oksana Ejokina. It will probably be at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church, but they will confirm next month. MAP Participation as a requirement. Judy Huehn will be the repertoire committee this year.
There’s a new category this year – Elementary, age up to 10 (please do not send 4 year olds). There’s also a Level C Sonatina category for late beginners – let’s be careful of who we put there so we give late beginners an opportunity to shine (don’t enroll advanced students here).
MLP – Mary Kaye Owen & Gloria Tzuang
See page 34-35 of your yearbooks. The Music Literacy Program is Saturday May 3rd, 2025 from 10am – 4pm at the Eastside Baha’i Center in Bellevue. Registration is March 15, 2025 -April 20th, 2025.
A written test, rhythm, listening and technique components will be offered. This event is looking for more volunteers. Gloria is the best person to contact for questions about the rhythm, listening, and technique components.
All the components are available on the WSMTA Website (url in the yearbook). Wendy Stevens also has lots of resources! You can buy her sample tests at her website,
There’s a new way to pay and register this year: Pay $3.50 to the State (WSMTA) as you register each student. Then for the remaining $11.50 per student, write ONE check to LWMTA for all your students..
Question: Could we volunteer our high school students and have them get community service time? Yes!
Meeting Adjourned (11:29am)
Respectfully submitted,
Kaitlin Mitchell