January 2025 general meeting minutes

LWMTA General Meeting

January 21st, 2025, 10:30 am

Northwest Pianos & Online over Zoom

Call to order (10:35 AM)

Attending:10 in-person, 3 online

Old Business

Treasurer’s Report – Laurie Ketron (given in meeting). 

Announcements/New Business

MGR (Cherry Li & Gloria Tzuang)

The next MGR recital is Saturday March 22nd, 2025 at Bellewood Senior Living in Issaquah. So far we only have two students signed up for the next MGR but we hope to have more as we get closer! 

Virtual MGR (Selina Chu)

The Issaquah recital in January was very well received, and they even suggested a joint recital with the residents and the students. 

The next virtual MGR will be in the Spring, or whenever she can collect videos. There seems to be much less interest in them than previously. 

MAP (Selina Chu)

Coming up in February! It will include 4 venues, 4 days, 7 teachers, 65 students. Selina has certificates of participation for your students. MAP Teachers should have received an email from Selina with all the forms they need to fill out, but you can also find them on the WSMTA website. 

Young Composers Recital (Mary Kaye Owen and Kaitlin Mitchell)

Our Young Composers Recital will take place Sunday January 26th with our 11 registrants! The event will pull in $280, and Kaitlin is printing the booklets after this meeting so we’re not sure yet how much that will cost. 

If you’re curious about this event, consider attending or inviting your students to attend! 

Teacher’s Recital (Kaitlin Mitchell)

The Teacher’s recital is Saturday February 1st at Northwest Pianos at 6pm. Email Kaitlin at kaitlin.e.mitchell@gmail.com to tell her what you’re playing by Monday January 27th! 


“The Building Blocks of Phrasing: Help your Students Discover Common Musical Building Blocks such as Four-Bar Phrases, Sequences, Musical Sentences and More!” – Jensina Oliver, NCTM

Meeting Adjourned (12:05 PM)

Respectfully submitted,

Kaitlin Mitchell